Regardless of where you are in your investing career right now, I can guarantee you that I’ve been there.
It all began with two life-altering moments in my life that set me on the millionaire trajectory. Both happened when I was in my early 20s.
Like most self-made millionaires, I began at the bottom of the financial food-chain. My humble beginnings started as a bag boy at a local grocery chain in Spokane, Washington working for $3.90 per hour.
My first “aha moment” happened while I was aspiring to a management role at the store and was reading the life-changing book, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. Suddenly my management aspirations looked very small, but my future possibilities became extremely big.
My second “aha moment” happened while I was sitting in a philosophy 101 course in college. While the minutes ticked by, he let it slip that he was making only $45k a year. That information and the knowledge I gained from Kiyosaki’s book made me realize I was on the wrong path to success and needed to make some very important changes fast.
Through long years of trial and error, I built up a very profitable million-dollar real estate business from the ground up. I’m proof-positive that the training system can and does work! And now I'd like to share this with you on one of our upcoming web classes.